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Board of Directors

President:  Greg Kane

Vice President:  Brian Grady 

Treasurer:  Mike Cottone

Secretary:  Paul Keeler

Player Agent:  Donnie Collins

Safety Officer:  Justin Tunis 

Purchasing Agent:  Chris Davis 

Fundraising Coordinator:  Gab Tomachick

Information Officer:  Megan Johnson 

Fields & Grounds Coordinator:  John Kwiatkowski 

Concessions Manager:  Kristie Vazquez


League Commissioners:


Tee-Ball Division:  Kevin Conaboy

Minor (Coach Pitch) Division:  Patrick McDonald 

Minor (Player Pitch) Division:  Megan Johnson

Little League (Major) Division:  Tom Hillebrand

Junior & Senior Divisions:  Kevin Conaboy

Umpire Coordinator:  Stefanie Petrasko


Registration for both our spring and fall seasons is done through our website. Press the register tab above.


Through the support of local businesses and individuals, we are able to continue to serve children in the Abingtons. 


The Abington Little League's mission is to bring the wonders of youth baseball to the children of Clarks Summit, PA and all of "The Abingtons".
​In 1997, after leasing the old Ackerly Fair Grounds for many years, the League purchased the property and embarked on a project to build a new complex.
The Abington Little League is strictly run by volunteers, from the concession stand and field maintenance, to the entire Board of Directors. We are always looking for volunteers, please email us or explore our site for more information.

We are able to maintain and improve the complex and fields through local businesses and individuals, registration fees, and your generous donations. Any and all support from the community is needed and greatly appreciated.

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