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In order to be able to volunteer with the Abington Little League, the forms below are required. You CANNOT participate with your child's team either on the field or in the dugout until your volunteer application has been submitted along with BOTH of the two clearances below. Also, please review the conditions of volunteering as stated below.


I give permission for the Little League organization to conduct background check(s) on me now and as long as I continue to be active with the organization, which may include a review of sex offender registries, child abuse and criminal history records. I understand that, if appointed, my position is conditional upon the league receiving no inappropriate information on my background.

I hereby release and agree to hold harmless from liability the local Little League, Little League Baseball, Incorporated, the officers, employees and volunteers thereof, or any other person or organization that may provide such information. I also understand that, regardless of previous appointments, Little League is not obligated to appoint me to a volunteer position. If appointed, I understand that, prior to the expiration of my term, I am subject to suspension by the President and removal by the Board of Directors for violation of Little League policies or principles.


Registration for both our spring and fall seasons is done through our website. Press the register tab above.


Through the support of local businesses and individuals, we are able to continue to serve children in the Abingtons. 


The Abington Little League's mission is to bring the wonders of youth baseball to the children of Clarks Summit, PA and all of "The Abingtons".
​In 1997, after leasing the old Ackerly Fair Grounds for many years, the League purchased the property and embarked on a project to build a new complex.
The Abington Little League is strictly run by volunteers, from the concession stand and field maintenance, to the entire Board of Directors. We are always looking for volunteers, please email us or explore our site for more information.

We are able to maintain and improve the complex and fields through local businesses and individuals, registration fees, and your generous donations. Any and all support from the community is needed and greatly appreciated.

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